Application Deadline: April 1, 2024
How to Register
Any WVU student can participate in the Space Atacama course and travel program regardless of major. To register, students fill out an application through the WVU Education Abroad website. Simply follow the link below to get to the WVU Abroad website’s Space Atacama program registration page and look for the Apply Now button.
Students do not have to be Art majors to apply. Students from other departments and colleges are encouraged to participate! This course would be of great interest to students with concentrations in Geology, Geography, Astronomy, Anthropology, History, Latin American studies and World Languages. No prerequisites are required in order to enroll. Those completing the course will earn 4 academic credits. Check with your advisor. Non-WVU students may also enroll. Those interested in this option should consult with their advisors to insure appropriate transfer of credits to their institutions
Funding Your Trip
In most cases students may fund their enrollment through their student financial aid package. Check with the WVU Hub for details. Note that the fee for the program includes the tuition cost of 4 academic credits, an amount equivalent to $4,804 for Non-Resident students, and $1,776 for Resident students (based on tuition + fees for College of Creative Arts tuition rates for 2024). Art students may apply to the School of Art and Design’s GPS Course Scholarship for significant additional funding to help defray the cost of the program. Art students may also apply to the College of Creative Arts’ Student Professional Development Grant for up to $500. Students in any major who are US citizens and eligible for Pell Grants may apply for a Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship. Applications are now open for this scholarship for the March 2024 Deadline! If you are not sure if you are eligible for Pell, contact the WVU Hub. Students majoring in other disciplines may also find specific student travel grants available through their department or college. Consult your advisor to discover which options may be available to you. Further information about funding can be found on the WVU Study Abroad website.
Further Information
For more detailed information regarding enrollment, the application process or student international travel related issues, please consult the WVU Study Abroad website or contact the WVU Study Abroad Office. Additional related information about registering can also be obtained by contacting Brian Ricketts, Faculty-Led Program Specialist, in the Education Abroad office. For further information regarding the Space Atacama course and details about the trip, please contact Gerald Habarth, Associate Professor of Art in Electronic Media and program director (
Hiking in the Guatin river gorge.
Hiking near the Valley of the Rainbow.